My broken...

In my life I've broken many things but this one takes the cake. I use to work at a theater and I could get in for free movies and stuff like that. One day I was riding my bike around the neighborhood waiting for my girlfriend (now ex) to get off work at the theater. I thought it was a good idea to do some jumping because I love BMX. I did a couple jumps off a wall and was feeling good. I saw that it was almost time for my girlfriend to get off work so I sped off towards the theater. I got to the parking lot and since I was in a BMX mood I tried to jump a curb...a stupid curb. I was tired and in a split second I thought I'd just turn and not risk it. I turned right before the curb and was going fast enough that I slid. Naturally before you fall you would put out your leg to keep from falling...bad idea. My leg was caught in the chain and slid up against the curb and then just shattered. It all happened in slow motion but also in only a blink. I crashed against a stop sign not thinking it was bad. I picked up my leg and just like a cartoon it limply bobbed around backwards . I screamed. It was horrendous. I flipped out my cell phone and called a friend. She took me to my house but couldn't fit my bike in her car. A bicyclist near by offered to bring it to my house and lifted it above his head with only one arm. Who ever that was I owe him a bike because he saved mine. I arrived at my house and I wasn't even feeling the pain because it was that bad. My parents rushed out and took me to the emergency room. My leg is now worth about 40 grand with all the nuts and bolts in it. I missed a quarter of school (9 weeks) and was in a wheelchair for a month after that. I'll never forget it.

Do you have a story that can top mine? Leave a comment with a story on how bad you've broken something doing an adrenaline pumping sport.


Warning this blog may contain more adrenaline then you can handle.

This is a place for adrenaline junkies. I, myself, am a adrenaline junkie. I've been a pro paintballer for 2 years, love to ride dirtbikes as much as I can, I'm a pilot and I go mountian climbing in the summer. and this year I'm hopping to go hang-gliding or skydiving a couple times and get my motorcycle. I've broken more bones then I care to remember and I'm willing to bet you its not over.

Enough about me I want to hear your adrenaline stories. What makes you an adrenaline junkie?